Jenelle explains a new rumor about her !!

To say that Jenelle Evans has been a part of her fair share of craziness, well, that's an understatement. The MTV Teen Mom star has been in and out of jail, married to Courtland Rogers (who's currently in jail himself), and currently pregnant with her boyfriend Nathan Griffith's baby. Of course, all this leaves her way open to criticism from her 840,000+ Twitter followers. Upon responding to accusations that she has been drinking heavily while pregnant, a fan brought up the notion that MTV hiredNathan to play her boyfriend for television.

Well, as you can imagine, Jenelle wasn't gonna just let that accusation slide.

It's crazy, really, to think that MTV would go that far to make good television. And while I wouldn't put it past Jenelle to do a few things she wouldn't normally do to help MTV get good ratings, spending all her time with a hired model just isn't one of 'em. Plus, to think that because MTV set the two of 'em up, THAT'S why she's with child? Yeah, no way Jose.

Besides, with the way she loves to brag about Nathan, post photos of the two of 'em, and was so open about their desire to have a child together from early on in their relationship -- it just seems too far-fetched. She seems head over heels. Dare I say it, Jenelle and Nathan may be perfect for each other.

Credit to thestir