Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her second son

Can you believe that Teen Mom 2's Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her second son, Lincoln Marshall Marroquin, just over five weeks ago? Time sure flies when you're changing dirty diapers and breastfeeding 24/7! This sweet little dude was welcomed into the world on November 16, and he's already reached his first major milestone.

That's right, Lincoln can officially roll over from his belly to his back — which is super early! Most babies don't start rolling over until around the 4-month mark, so you can imagine how excited Kailyn and her husband are.

"Lincoln's 5 weeks old today and started rolling from belly to back this morning!" Kailyntweeted on December 24.

Yay Linc! Clearly this kiddo is a brilliant genius trapped in a baby's body. We fully expect him to master speech in the next month and solve all of the world's problems by 2 years old. Also, by "the world's problems" we mean the fact that people still find it socially acceptable to get dermal piercings in their thumbs. Stop the madness, Lincoln. Only you can save us.

Are you surprised that Lincoln is rolling over so early? We can't wait to find out what other milestones he hits during the months to come, but Kailyn better hope he doesn't start walking ahead of time or she'll have her hands even more full than she does now

credit to wepoint