Teen mom Mackenzie not having the best holiday this year !

Mackenzie Douthit
Christmas is a great time, but it can also be super-stressful, especially if you've got little ones tottling about. It's definitely fun to watch them frolic and enjoy the season, but that's only when they aren't trying to climb Christmas trees or go up the chimney to scope out Santa's entry-point.

Scary holidays are something Teen Mom Mackenzie knows all about. Hers started off peacefully enough. She and her hubby Josh shared a too-cute photo of themselves and their baby boy Gannon all camo-ed out for the holidays. Not my style, but they seemed totally content. You'd never guess that they'd wind up spending Christmas Eve in the hospital with poor little Gannon!

What brought them the hospital on the night Santa was making his way around the globe?Gannon caught some sort of unspecified bug, according to some tweets Mackenzie posted while they waited. That's no bueno! We hope he was feeling well enough come the next morning to open up his gifts! Ugh, that's not the way anyone wants to start their festivities.

That said, between this and everything we've witness unfold on Teen Mom 3, we can't help but crave a Mackenzie spinoff. All of this definitely proves that Mac's life is totally full of enough dramatic twists and turns to make a spinoff show seem super appealing. It seems like for Mac, you never know what's going to happen next. If any of the Teen Mom 3 cast merit a spinoff, I think Mackenzie and her family have proven time and time again that it's them.

Credit to thestir.com