The Teen Mom 2 stars have had to face a heartbreaking

Ohhhh, poor Kailyn Lowry andJavi Marroquin! The Teen Mom 2 stars have had to face a heartbreaking moment as parents: what to do when your beloved dog becomes a danger to your family.

Kail and her children are often seen in photos surrounded by the family's pets, from dogs to cats and even a turtle. But it seems one of their dogs, a mastiffnamed Honey, turned on little Isaac recently:

Ugh! Could a decision be more agonizing?

As a mom who is raising a child with two dogs, I can't imagine having to turn my beloved dogs out of the house. They are part of the family.

And yet, our kids come first. Kailyn made the right choice here.

It's hard to know if a dog that bites once will bite again, but the risk is much higher than with a dog that hasn't shown any aggressive tendencies.

Some folks feel that retraining a dog that has bitten is enough, but when you've got kids involved, the risks are pretty high. Even children being raised to be kind and respectful of their pets are likely to do things that make a dog mad ... they're kids! If the dog can't handle that, there's no way they should be around any child, least of all toddler Isaac and baby Lincoln.

Frankly, with that in mind, I don't even think it has to come to an actual bite with some dogs. I don't know what sort of behavior Honey showed prior to biting Isaac, so I don't fault Kail for waiting to rehome her dog, but some pups simply are not good with kids. Period.

Children are the victims of half of the 4.7 million dog bites in the United States every year, and one third of THOSE are from the family dog. But many of those dogs showed signs of aggression before actually biting a child.

Snarling, showing their teeth, and snapping at a child are all signs of aggressive behavior that may or may not signal the dog is fed up with or uncomfortable with a child. If the child is creating the problem, then work with the child to address the issue. If the child is NOT at fault, get help! Sometimes it's as simple as some obedience classes, but an expert can also tell you if this dog really needs to find a new home ... before disaster strikes.

Credit to thestir