Farrah Abraham didn't expect her co-star to Do this !

Farrah Abraham Couples TherapyWhen you sell a sex tape to a porn company for oodles of dollars, you open the (back) door for anyone who wants to see you naked to do so. Still, something tells me Farrah Abraham didn't expect her co-stars on a reality show to be queuing up Back Door Teen Mom. But that's exactly what happened on Couples Therapy tonight.
In addition to meeting the show's new couple, Jon Gosselin of Jon and Kate Plus 8 fame and his girlfriend Liz JannettaThe Real L Word's Sada Bettencourt and Whitney Mixter got an up close and personal look at their co-star.
Think it's awkward hanging out with someone as friends after you've had sex with them? How about hanging out after you've just watched their porn flick? With your wife?
I don't blame Whitney and Sada for looking up the porno. They're just trying to figure Farrah out, and she's been far from straight with them.
She flat out denied being in the "porn industry," and once again told the old "it was a sex tape with a boyfriend" story. But everything she was saying was making the couple's BS meter go off.
Take what she said when Whitney asked why the "boyfriend" in the tape didn't come toCouples Therapy:
It's like a whole legal issue and that's why there's a tape out of me and him having sex. It's not a happy situation for me. I'm just like moving on and being strong about that.
I sold the rights to it because that's basically what you do when it's either gonna go out and you're going to be naked and other people make money off of it.
If it sounds like she's trying too hard to build a sympathetic story, well, that's what Sada thought too.
"She made a decision and tried to create a story around it so she would be a victim," she said.
That's pretty much Farrah's MO in life, and therapist Dr. Jenn Berman called her on ittonight. No matter what someone is saying to her, she goes into defense mode and needs to play the victim. 
Even when Taylor Armstrong (yup, she's still around after last week's tantrum ... although Dr. Jenn gave her a tongue lashing for it) tries to reach out and actually be nice, Farrah immediately jumps into "everyone is always picking on me" mode.
Dr. Jenn calls it Farrah's bubble. Interesting term, isn't it? She's inside this little world of her own making, and she wants to keep everyone out.
Unfortunately for Farrah, that bubble is SEE THROUGH! And she's naked on the other side ... sometimes literally.

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