Jenelle Evans have some shocking news

Courtland Rogers Teen MomTeen Mom 2 fans, did you ever think a day would come when you'd actually feel bad for Courtland Rogers? Me neither! But here it is. The fifth season of the show is set to air tonight on MTV, and the ex-husband of star Jenelle Evans has already delivered some shocking news about the already much debated on-screenabortion.
It was a surprise to many of the fans when the trailer for the show was released in December and showed Jenelle talking about an abortion. We knew she'd lost a baby in a miscarriage, but the reality star had kept the abortion pretty quiet. So quiet, it turns out, that not even her husband knew about it!
Courtland, who just got out of jail on January 11, told RadarOnline that he's "heartbroken" after learning about Jenelle's abortion. And folks, he says he learned about it the way the rest of the world did -- by watching the show's trailer:
It’s not fair that I found out about the pregnancy on a Teen Mom commercial! I didn’t know anything until I got out because I was trying to stay away from the drama. It breaks my heart. It hurts a lot inside. The fact that I had a kid and I didn’t even know I had a kid.
I'm fully supportive of a woman's right to choose, and last week when I sat down with Jenelle to talk about her reasons behind the abortion -- and why she allowed MTV to film it -- she made it pretty clear that she didn't feel Courtland was in a position to be a father to a newborn. Whether he knew about the pregnancy or not, it was pretty clear abortion was the choice Jenelle was going to make.
Still, it's not the type of thing you tend to find out via the national news. At least, you're not supposed to find out this way. SOMEONE could have picked up the phone and told Courtland the decision. If not when it happened, then when it became clear that it would become public knowledge. 
If not Jenelle, maybe the folks at MTV?
The abortion was Jenelle's decision to make -- it's her body after all. And she has the most to lose by going public with it. It's her story to tell (or not tell).
Still, it would seem the compassionate choice for someone to clue Courtland in on what's going down.
I wonder what he'll be saying on Twitter after he actually sees the episode (you know he'll be watching!).
