With the new season set to start on MTV on Tuesday, January 21, Leah sat down with The Stirto tell us the real deal about her marriage.
On managing a commuter marriage when Jeremy is out of town for work:
I do hold down the fort. I am Mommy and Daddy when Jeremy can't be home. It's hard, and Jeremy has a hard time giving his attention to work and his family at the same time. When he's at work, he feels like that's where all his attention goes to. If I don't talk to him for a few days, I might get upset.
He's still working on how to show me attention as well as work. To me it's really hard when they're working out of town. I hate it.
If he could find a job at home, I'd be probably 10 times happier, but I know this is what he loves to do so I just want to support him too.
Just got to work through it and keep communicating. I think that's what's best about me and Jeremy is that we always communicate with each other.
Corey and I were horrible at communicating.
On her marriage to Corey:
I believe with all my heart that Corey and I loved each other, maybe we just were not meant for each other. Still to this day I'm sure we love each other; we have kids together. I love him as my kids' father, and I'm sure he loves me and respects me as Ali and Alleeah's mother.
But it finally got to a point where enough was enough. There was too much damage, there was too much hurt.
On the future of her marriage to Jeremy:
I know I've been asked and asked and asked about divorce. It's just something that he threw up and he does it all the time and even thought it's not a good thing to bring up divorce. Eventually, I tell him, it will happen, and if you keep throwing it up, it's like the little girl who cried wolf, you can't keep bringing it up -- he doesn't mean it when he brings it up.
The whole thing with us arguing was about work and stuff like that, but we're fine. I don't think we'll ever, ever get a divorce.
So what was she talking about in that trailer? Looks like we'll have to wait to watch this season of Teen Mom 2 to find out!
source thestir