Leah Messer Calver takes new step in her life !

Leah messer calvert teen mom 2Well, it's official! Leah Messer Calvert has quit her job at a tanning salon! TheTeen Mom 2 star says she's going into business ... for herself.
How's that for not letting being a Teen Mom define her?
Leah was working as a manager at TanFastiq, a West Virginia chain of tanning salons and spas, but she recently stepped down from her job. Only it's not to be a stay-at-home mom to her three girls -- as some fans suspected. She revealed on (where else?) Twitter that she'll be opening her own salon soon because it's "better for [her] family."
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Leah may be right. Being a business owner can be a lot easier on a parent; you can make your own hours instead of having to bear with a schedule set for you. Especially with baby Ali's doctor's appointments to consider, flexibility is something Leah needs in her life.
But her decision to strike out on her own represents even more for Leah as a reality star. It looks like Teen Mom 2 will get a season 5, but the show can't last forever. Even if Jeremy does make good money as a pipeliner, he has lost his job in the last year, proving they can't live on his money alone.
The Teen Mom girls need to be thinking about what they're going to live on long after the MTV money stops rolling in, and Leah is just doing what co-stars like Kailyn Lowry have done: ensuring their future will be successful long after the cameras are gone.

Source thestir.com