superfoods that will effect your beauty and health !!

With the cold season upon us and everyone rushing around for the holidays, our bodies may get a bit rundown. This is why it’s so important to eat right and maintain your health.
Here are four superfoods that will help promote beauty and health, inside and out:

1. Aloe Vera

Surprised that aloe vera is on this list? Aloe vera plants actually contain high levels of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes – you name it!
Consuming aloe has been proven to prevent cancer, aid in digestion, increase hair growth, heal burns and even reduce your blood sugar.
You can learn more about the incredible benefits of aloe vera here.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an incredible super food. Most people are under the impression however that the oil makes you fat – not true! Indeed, coconut oil contains a unique type of “saturated fat” which is a “good fat” (unlike hydrogenated fats or trans fats).
Why is “saturated fat” good? Well, saturated fats are actually necessary in our body to strengthen cell walls and protect the inside of each cell.  Furthermore, because they are s “medium-chain” saturated fats, they play a vital role in the health of our bones and can even speed up weight loss and reduce cholesterol.

3. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Did you know raw apple cider vinegar is a natural antidote for acne? This is because of its strong antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Furthermore, it promotes the growth of probiotics, which further helps to get rid of acne.
Apple cider vinegar can also act as a strong digestive aid, helping to cure constipation and stimulate stomach acid, thus aiding in digestion. Another added bonus is that it helps balance the yeast and bacteria in your body which deed off sugar, consuming it and helping alleviate sugar cravings. Lastly, the vinegar is loaded with nutrients as it contains potassium and many other trace minerals and elements.
Not sure how to eat it? Apple cider vinegar is great in salads, or if you are brave try diluting one tablespoon in a glass of water and drink it twenty minutes before your meal.

4. Cabbage

I bet you weren’t expecting cabbage to be on this list! Did you know cabbage contains 11% more vitamin C than oranges by weight? Vitamin C is the super anti-aging nutrient that helps heal damaged tissues and minimize deep lines.
Humble and inexpensive, cabbage perfectly exemplifies that Beauty Foods don’t always have to be exotic, rare or even partially beautiful themselves. Cabbage contains the magical skin beauty triumvirate of vitamins A, C and E. Furthermore, the high vitamin A content in is useful for smoothing skin lines. Lastly, the combination of sulfur and vitamin C gives cabbage potent detoxifying qualities.


Superfoods can do wonders for your appearance and prevent the body from getting sick over the cold winter months. Even if you try just one of these four suggestions, you will be off to a great healthy start for the new year!
If you aren’t sure how to consume some of these foods, try going to your local health food store. There are many great-tasting ‘natural’ aloe vera drinks on the market, and apple cider vinegar can easily be lightly-sprayed on your salad for added taste. Shredded cabbage can also be sprinkled on a salad for extra-crunch and coconut-oil can be used instead of butter when making a stir fry.
Is there a superfood that you find to works best for  you? We would love to hear about it in the comments.
Superfoods — we’ve all heard of these, and sometimes they seem to be unrecognizable, weird-tasting things you try to shove down your throat because somebody on Twitter was raving about their great micronutrient contents, amino-acids, or whatever
