Chelsea Houska's sweet daughter !!!

chelsea houska aubree

If you don't feel like enjoying life today, then I suggest you skip this adorable video of Chelsea Houska's sweet daughter, Aubree, singing in a Christmas recital for school. But if you have a pulse, you might want to check it out, because oh my god, it's so cute!

"Skinnamarinky dinky dinkskinnamarinky do ...

More Cute pic !

Oh, there's nothing cuter than a group of little kids, singing together. The fidgeting; the laughing; the shyness; the complete obvliousness to the fact that they're standing up in front of a bunch of people. Positively adorable!

I'm sure Chelsea all but died, seeing her sweet daughter, dressed fashionably of course, singing with her classmates. Parents live for these kinds of moments. Sure, there's a whole group of cutie pies up there, but to Chelsea, there's only Aubree.

Thanks for sharing, Chelsea! Love!