Man oh man, have there been a lot of rumors about those Teen Mom girls lately. Jenelle Evans is getting a spin-off. No, Amber Portwood is. Noooo, Mackenzie Douthit's getting a spin-off! No way, there will be no more Teen Mom 3 girls ever on MTV! Well,maybe ... It's enough to give you a serious crick in the neck going back and forth between the truth and rumors!
So how about we answer your burning Teen Mom questions once and for all? Who is coming back and who is MTV done with? Well, here's what we know for sure:
1. Mackenzie Douthit is NOT getting a spin-off. I know, I know, it's not fair for the world to miss out on that wild redneck wedding, but MTV has officially spoken on this one. They say there is "no truth" to that rumors.
2. Jenelle Evans is NOT getting a spin-off. She may bring the drama to Teen Mom 2, but she won't do it all by herself. How do we know? Jenelle herself says so:
3. Teen Mom 3 IS cancelled. Sad to say we won't see Mackenzie, Briana, Katie, or Alex for another season, but MTV has spoken on this one too.
4. Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra ARE coming back to MTV. Everyone's favorite couple will show up "where are they now" style on MTV. In fact, Tyler just shared photos of thecameras that MTV crews set up in his car as they film.
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5. Teen Mom 2 IS coming back. MTV has been pretty quiet on this one, but the stars haven't. Kailyn herself shared some photographic evidence of an MTV crew at her house last week.
6. Amber Portwood IS filming for MTV. Paparazzi hanging around for Amber's release from prison happened to catch camera crews there to greet her, starting the rumors that MTV would be sharing her post-prison story, but the real clincher was her ex-boyfriend Gary Shirley admitting that they've been filming.
credit to cofemom . c o m