Farrah Abraham SECOND sex tape coming soon?

The news we've been dreading most is finally here — Farrah Abraham is releasing a sequel to her debut skin-flick, Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom. But before you start ugly-crying yourself to sleep in the wake of this disturbing news, we have some information aboutFarrah 2: Backdoor and More (yes, really) that may help you see things in a different light…
According to Fishwrapper.com, who spoke to Vivid Entertainment CEO Steve Hirsch, this beand-new piece of cinematographic gold features Farrah acting out some "fetish fantasies" with former porn partner James Deen — and this time around there's no leaked sex tape ruse. Just full-on pornography.
But not so fast! A source close to the situation tells Wetpaint Entertainment that this particular footage was shot the same day as her previous sex tape back in April 2013 — which means Farrah did not go back for seconds with Mr. Deen.
"It's unreleased footage," our source confirms. "It's from the same shoot. It was all shot the same day."
The source goes on to explain that because Farrah signed a model release and sold all the rights to Vivid, she's not responsible for what ultimately happens to any of the footage. And as we reported back in April, Farrah and James filmed enough material for a 2-hour movie — which means we're finally getting to see what got left on the cutting room floor.
Ever since Farrah's first flick dropped back in May 2013, the 22-year-old reality star has expressed sincere regret over getting involved in pornography. And more recently, she came forward and revealed that she's been drugged and raped several times at industry events.
We're not sure how Farrah will handle the news of her second sex tape being released — or if she'll see any extra pennies beyond her initial seven-figure paycheck — but we'll keep you posted on developments as they happen.
In the meantime, tell us your thoughts below. Will you watch Farrah's second sex tape when it drops on February 13? C'mon, be honest… 

soruce wetpaint.com