Farrah Abraham starts new drama again !

Farrah AbrahamFarrah Abraham hasn't been exactly quiet on the subject of her sex tapes volumes 1 and 2. At this point we all know that if she had to do it again -- she wouldn't. At least, that's what everyone's favorite backdoor mama says. Though Farrah says so much (and so often) that it's kind of hard to know what exactly the truth is. For example, recently Farrah shared that she's thinking about becoming a nun. You guys. I think Farrah might be confusing 'nuns' with 'club promoters' again. Do you think she knows that nuns tend to give Keek (and also sex swings) a wide berth? 
We know Farrah's just speaking in hyperbole, but STILL. Saying she wants to be a nun is as ridiculous as the other comments she made about her sex life. She claims that she wishes she waited for marriage to have sex in order to make it more special. One, that would have been a deeply disappointing wedding night, and two, sure, she had sex out of wedlock once, sure, fine, bring on the bucket of regrets -- but then she kept having it! On camera! For pay! At a certain point, you need to own who you are. When there's a line of sex toys being released molded from your own in and out holes, that point has come. Avoid the nunnery, Far-Far -- we hear the robes chafe. 

source Thestir.cafemom.com