When Farrah was asked what she thought of Jenelle's pregancy, she said:
All I've said is congratulations to that and I hope she knows what she's doing. Because when you have two little people to take care of and you can't take care of your own responsibilities ... I don't want to sound like I'm judging anybody and I only want to wish her the healthiest, happiest pregnancy and to be a great mom, but in the same sense you can't keep having children and not having a foundation.
Words o' wisdom from Farrah Abraham, everyone. I mean, I understand what Farrah is saying; she isn't completely wrong in thinking that Jenelle is a little bonkers for having another child when the law says she isn't qualified to take care of the one she has, buuuuut ... people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, know what I'm saying? Also, it's worth noting that it sounds kind of idiotic to say, "I don't want to sound like I'm judging anybody" when you're in the middle of judging someone.
Hopefully, Jenelle will find her "foundation" this time 'round. It would be a shame if she had yet another child who wound up being raised under her mother's care. And at the same time, let's hope Farrah stops judging other people's parenting. Or, you know, puts herself in a position where she has a right to judge.
source thestir.cafemom.com/