Ryan & Shelby fights on Twitter !

Ryan Edwards and girlfriend Shelby Woods have been dating since August, and seem to be the perfect pair. However, over the weekend, they had a bit of a dispute — and it all went down on Twitter.

On Sunday,Ryan took to Twitter where he wrote, "Well I guess I'll be watching the Super Bowl at home by my self...Fun."
A short time later, Shelby responded to the message, telling her man, "Go figure. Shoulda rode back with me."

At that point, things appeared to get heated. Check this out !!

While the feud seemed to be pretty upsetting to Ryan, Shelby lightened the mood and offered to go get her man. "Want me to come get you?" she asked.
Ryan was pretty bummed about his night not going as planned, but fortunately, their relationship seems to be just fine.
Since Ryan and Shelby began dating, they have appeared as happy as can be — and Ryan's Fmaily seems to love Shelby just as much as she does, which is a plus if they plan on making this last.

source gather.com, twitter