Thankfully, everything is okay with Jenelle and the baby. It was determined that she had the flu or a stomach bug, and was badly dehydrated. She's currently at home resting, but it's a good thing this happened to Jenelle later on in her pregnancy. Getting violently ill early on in your gestation could potentially result in miscarriage.
They say the first 6 weeks of pregnancy are some of the most crucial -- and with good reason -- your baby, which is only the size of an appleseed or so at this point, is developing incredibly fast. It's extremely important that mamas-to-be protect themselves from illness during this period, because if their temperatures get too high, it might result in the loss of the baby -- and a lot of the time, the flu or norovirus is accompanied by a temperature. If you ever have a temperature above 101 during any point in your pregnancy, it's really important you seek medical attention, like Jenelle thankfully did.
After she was released from the hospital, Jenelle did what most pregnant women would do: She took to social media. First, she wrote on Sulia, saying, "Lots of fans have been asking where I have been all morning. It's not like me to seemingly disappear from social media. I was in a lot of pain, and agony early this morning, and something had to be done." And then she fired off a tweet to Nathan, thanking him for the support.

Again, glad Jenelle and her baby-to-be are okay. And the next time, don't wait to go to the hospital, please!