Gary Shirley Take's a different direction in his life !

MTV's Teen Mom star Gary Shirley is many things. He is a father, Amber Portwoods ex, student, and also chef? Maybe not quite, but its starting to appear he may have aspirations to become one! Gary has become infamous for tweeting dozens of pictures of new foods that he is baking. Everything from cookies, to pies with homemade crusts, to spanish rice and homemade pizza! Although Gary isn't officially in cutlery school (that we know of), his cooking skills seem to have come out of no where. While watching his series of Teen Mom, we would often see him wining and dining Amber and Leah, but never actually cooking meals in the kitchen. This seems to be something that he's grown into, and maybe a sign of him growing up and maturing? Either way, we think its great, and encourage him to continue doing things that are productive and are a good, clean, healthy hobby. Way to go Gary!

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