Chelsea Houska over her baby daddy and ex ???

taylor halburThink Teen Mom 2's Chelsea Houska is over her baby daddy and ex, Adam Lind? Maybe not. Adam's girlfriend Taylor Halbur recently posted photos of herself with Adam, their baby Paislee, and his daughter by Chelsea, Aubree. But Chelsea doesn't believe Adam's reformed, good-daddy act. If we only knew ... Chelsea claims she knows the back story on Adam's new happy family. Why does she even care anymore?
When Wetpaint asked Chelsea if she thought Adam was finally over his bad boy ways, she responded,
No [he hasn't turned over a new leaf]. They know that you guys are gonna go off of what they post on the Internet. I know the back story, I know what's really going on, and it's not as good as you think. I read these articles and I'm like, if you guys only knew!
Every time someone asks Chelsea about Adam, she has the opportunity to show the world that she is finally OVER her horrible, no good, very bad ex-boyfriend. But she always takes the bait and reveals that she still harbors feelings for him. Okay, they're mostly bad feelings, but still. Is it so hard for her to just give a side eye and say "next question"?
I don't know that we should believe that Adam has left behind his bad boy ways. He probably is fronting to be more virtuous than he really is, and there probably is some sordid back story. WE KNOW. But the only thing Chelsea should care about anymore at this point is her daughter's well being when she's with Adam. As long as she's safe, who cares what else Adam is up to (or who else he's doing ...).
Otherwise, throwing shade at Adam and Taylor isn't doing anyone any good, least of all Aubree. It just makes Chelsea look jealous and petty. And if Adam really has turned a new leaf and is building something real with Taylor? Good for them! That can only mean positive things for Aubree.

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