We'll get to see Kail go through pregnancy all over again !!

Kailyn LowryKailyn Lowry's scenes in the fifth season of Teen Mom 2 may feel a little familiar to the show's fans. We'll get to see Kail go through pregnancy all over again; only this time the 21-year-old is doing things a little differently.
Not only is she no longer a Teen Mom and actually married to baby Lincoln's dad, Javi Marroquin, but grown-up Kail has learned a lot more about taking care of herself and baby in the past four years, and she's determined to share it with her fans. The Stir sat down with Kailyn to talk about Lincoln's birth, breastfeeding, and what it means to be a "crunchy mom" on television.
On her worries about having a second baby:
I always pictured myself meeting somebody and having a family with them. I never thought that I would be with someone, have a child with them, and then it didn't work out and then have another child. I never really want that for my kids either ... that's, um, different.
I don't really care what people say about me; it's what they say about my kids. I don't really want my kids to feel different. I don't want to ever confuse Isaac with the fact that he doesn't have the same dad as Lincoln. For right now he seems to understand it, so hopefully ... I never really wanted them to look really different. I wanted them to look like brothers and be close like brothers, and I didn't want them having two different dads to affect how close they are.
On what Teen Mom 2 fans will get to see of baby Lincoln: 
We decided that we wanted to keep the birth as private as possible. I did have the cameras there for Isaac's birth, but we wanted to keep this more private. There is labor stuff in there and immediately following his birth.
On learning people call her a crunchy mom:
[Laughing] What the heck?! What does crunchy mean?!
(We explained, and Kail was relieved and when she saw her co-stars a few minutes later immediately told them, "They say I'm a crunchy mom!")
On deciding to eat her placenta:
So I have some mom friends I've met along the way that have kind of encouraged me. They've helped with breastfeeding and stuff and opened my eyes to the placenta stuff.
I did some research and saw that it could be beneficial, so I decided why not give it a shot? It couldn't hurt anything!
So I had a really hard time with birth after Isaac, and I personally give credit to this time around with Lincoln to the placenta pills. I didn't have postpartum [depression], I haven't had a hard time with not sleeping. I had a really good experience with it.
I think more people should try it without judging. I'm not a cannibal! It's not like I'm stabbing into my placenta and eating it! You dry it out, put it in capsules, and act like it's no big thing. It's like a vitamin.
On breastfeeding and the fans' takeaway:
I breastfed [Isaac] for one month and I kind of just gave up, but this time around, I'm eight weeks strong and I'm still going and hopefully it continues.
If nobody takes away anything else that I send out message-wise to the audience, I really hope that they do take that away. Whether you're 35 or 17, I hope that they will maybe not learn from my situation but say, "Oh, she breastfed? Let me try it," or, "Oh, she did the placenta thing? Let me look into it."

source thestir