Valentine's Day cards!

Catelynn and TylerCatelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are basically so cute that it's disgusting. They are so in love, it makes you want to look away the way you might if you caught your parents smooching -- nasty! But also totally touching. Catelynn shared a little photo-testimony to their passion for each other on her Instagram page that was so sweet, you could hear teeth falling out of mouths all over the world.
The photo collage features images of the couple throughout the years. They've been an item for so long, and I bet little gestures like this one are perfect examples of everything that's kept them together through all the difficult times and all of the good ones. They recognize just how important it is to keep the magic alive and, with it, the spark that first joined them.
The decorative banners surrounding the adorable photos of the twosome would make for some seriously cute Valentine's Day cards! Maybe that's what Catelynn has in mind! Is it weird that I would love to get a copy of this magnum opus dedicated to their love as a Valentine's card myself? Probably. But I stand by it.
